French Vocabulary: Literature and the Arts

… Identify: French Vocabulary: Literature and the Arts le vocabulaire français: la littérature et les arts Terms associated with literary and artistic pursuits. Use literature and arts terms to make international connections with others. Study: Every culture has its own body of literature and other art forms. Learn how to discuss literature and the arts […]

French Vocabulary: Popular Culture

… Identify: French Vocabulary: Popular Culture le vocabulaire français: la culture populaire Pop culture is the collective practices and customs widely accepted by the mainstream. Pop culture terms can create connections and facilitate international friendships. Study: Pop culture is everywhere! It impacts music, television, cinema, fashion, sports, technology, slang, and more! Sharing aspects of pop […]

French Vocabulary: Describing a City

… Identify: French Vocabulary: Describing a City le vocabulaire français: pour décrire une ville Terms for talking about the features of a typical city. Learn these terms to better appreciate all that cities around the world have to offer. Study: As in the United States, life in a big French-speaking city is very different from […]

French Vocabulary: Describing a Village

… Identify: French Vocabulary: Describing a Village le vocabulaire français: pour décrire un village Terms for talking about the features of a typical town or village. Learn these terms to better appreciate all that towns and villages around the world have to offer. Study: As in the United States, life in a French-speaking town or […]


LEAF CHANGELOG … 08 FEBRUARY 2021 SPN101 V5 Textbook Issue: Lesson: Nouns – Indefinite Articles, page 11 Under STUDY section, 4th sentence down reads “There are FOUR different definite articles, …” In that sentence, the word definite should be changed to indefinite 11 OCTOBER 2020 Edited French Grammar: Unit of Time vs. Length of Time Changed “toutes […]

Category: Resources · Tags:

French Vocabulary: Emergency Services

… Identify: French Vocabulary: Emergency Services le vocabulaire français: les services d’urgence Emergency services provides medical, fire, and disaster assistance to people. Identify and communicate with disaster recovery personnel. Study: Professions in emergency services and personal safety require a special set of vocabulary that helps you help others! Use these terms to help take care […]

French Vocabulary: Current Events

… Identify: French Vocabulary: Current Events le vocabulaire français: l’actualité Terms related to major news stories around the world. Use current events terminology to make international connections with others. Study: l’aide (fem.) : aid Les pays voisins donne des aides. The neighboring countries are giving aid. l’aide humanitaire (fem.) : humanitarian aid Il y avait une réponse […]

French Vocabulary: Military

… Identify: French Vocabulary: Military le vocabulaire français: l’armée Military forces defend the interests of a nation. Identify and communicate with military personnel. Study: une arme : weapon Il a une arme. He has a weapon. une armée : army L’armée est prête. The army is ready. une attaque : attack L’attaque a duré dix […]

French Vocabulary: Disaster Relief and Recovery

… Identify: French Vocabulary: Disaster Relief and Recovery le vocabulaire français: l’aide aux victimes de catastrophe et le plan de reconstruction Emergency services provides medical, fire, and disaster assistance to people. Identify and communicate with disaster victims and disaster recovery personnel. Study: un abri : shelter Beaucoup de personnes habitent dans l’abri provisoire. Many people […]

French Vocabulary: Common Professions

… Identify: French Vocabulary: Common Professions le vocabulaire français: les métiers Different professions are described by specific nouns. Utilize the correct names for various job titles. Study: un agent immobilier : realtor L’agent immobilier leur montre la maison. The realtor shows them the house. un avocat / une avocate : lawyer L’avocate défend l’accusé. The […]