French Grammar: Reciprocal Reflexive Verbs
Identify: French Grammar: Reciprocal Reflexive Verbs la grammaire française: les verbes réfléchis réciproques Reciprocal Reflexive Verbs in French help us identify actions done by two or more people – to each other! Study: Reciprocal Reflexive Verbs in French help us identify actions done by two or more people – to each other! Reciprocal Reflexive Verbs […]
French Grammar: Infinitive of Reflexive Verbs
Identify: French Grammar: Infinitive of Reflexive Verbs la grammaire française: l’infinitif des verbes réfléchis Reflexive Verbs are a special class of verbs in French. Be sure to review the lesson on Reflexive Verbs first before moving on to this lesson! Whenever reflexive verbs are used in the infinitive with another verb (for example, aimer, aller, […]
French Grammar: Partitive Articles
Identify: French Grammar: Partitive Articles la grammaire française: les articles partitifs You’ll need to learn to use nouns with their correct articles (les articles) if you want to talk about people, places and things! There are three types of articles in French: definite articles (les articles définis), indefinite articles (les articles indéfinis), and partitive articles […]
French Grammar: Passé Composé with Reflexive Verbs
… Identify: French Grammar: Passé Composé with Reflexive Verbs la grammaire française: les verbes réfléchis au Passé Composé Reflexive verbs are used when the subject and object of a verb (action) are the same. The action “reflects back” onto the subject! Study: Reflexive verbs are used when the subject and object of a verb (action) […]
French Grammar: The Past Participle
… Identify: French Grammar: The Past Participle la grammaire française: le participe passé Study: The past participle is the general equivalent of using [-ED] in English. It can be used in a variety of functions including compound tenses and as adjectives with the verb ‘ÊTRE’. To form the past participle for regular verbs, you’ll need to add a new ending to […]
French Grammar: Reflexive Verbs
Identify: French Grammar: Reflexive Verbs la grammaire française: les verbes réfléchis Reflexive verbs are used when the subject and object of a verb (action) are the same. The action “reflects back” onto the subject! Study: Reflexive verbs are used when the subject and object of a verb (action) are the same. The action “reflects back” […]
Aero: Mary Erb – Costa Rica 2015 – My Expectations
Aero: Mary Erb – Costa Rica 2015 – My Expectations While Considering what my expectations are for Costa Rica, it dawned on me that the very word “expectations” implies that I already have decided ideas and even preconceived notions of what the country is like, when really I have a relatively small imagining of what […]
Aero: Tiffany Bean – Costa Rica 2015 – My Expectations
Aero: Tiffany Bean – Costa Rica 2015 – My Expectations On January second we will be flying to Costa Rica. This is my first time going to Costa Rica and the first time I am traveling to a foreign that without my parents with me. I have also never needed to communicate to people that […]
Terra: Crêpe on a Sunny Day – Paris, France
Where? Paris, of course. What better place to order a crepe on a sunny day? The air smells smoky and sweet. The soft wind carries a slight February chill, but it’s actually kind of pleasant compared 3 feet of snow back home in New York. Besides, the scenery distracts me from it. Blocks of baroque […]
Aero: Autumn Clearwater-Day – Costa Rica 2015 – My Expectations
Aero: Autumn Clearwater-Day – Costa Rica 2015 – My Expectations While the trip is slowly approaching, I have been thinking about Costa Rica, in particular, the food, my host family, Spanish, and landscape. It is still unreal that soon I will be in another country thousands of miles from my hometown. I know that I […]