French Grammar: Possession with the Verb ÊTRE (ÊTRE + À)
Identify: French Grammar: Possession with the Verb ÊTRE (ÊTRE + À) la grammaire française: la possession avec le verbe ÊTRE (ÊTRE + À) The verb ÊTRE means “to be” (I am, you are, he/she is, etc. …). ÊTRE is one of the first French verbs you’ll need to know. ÊTRE will help you indicate possession […]
French Grammar: The Preposition [DE] and Possession
… Identify: French Grammar: The Preposition [DE] and Possession la grammaire française: la préposition [de] et la possession The preposition DE is used in many different kinds of expressions in French. It is commonly used to express possession and relationship. Study: The preposition DE is used in many different kinds of expressions in French. It […]

Terra: The Eiffel Tower – Paris, France
When I first traveled to Paris, France in 2012 with a group of fellow students, my friend Kira asked our tour guide a question that both humored me and got me thinking. “How much would it cost to buy the Eiffel tower?” Anne Marie, our tour guide, paused for a moment, slightly caught off guard, […]
French Grammar: Nouns – Masculine and Feminine
… Identify: French Grammar: Nouns – Masculine and Feminine la grammaire française: les substantifs – masculins et féminins French nouns (les substantifs) are people, places, and things. They have names! In French, ALL nouns are either MASCULINE (masculin) nouns or FEMININE (féminin) nouns. You’ll need to learn to use nouns if you want to talk about people, places and […]

Folium: How Languages Evolve via TED
Folium via How Languages Evolve via TED What is language? According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary, “language” is the “body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition.” The dictionary entry continues on through six […]
French Grammar: Impersonal Expressions with the Infinitive
Identify: French Grammar: Impersonal Expressions with the Infinitive la grammaire française : les expressions impersonnelles avec l’infinitif Grammatically speaking, the word “impersonal” in the phrase “impersonal expressions” does not mean disinterested or cold; rather, impersonal expressions are those expressions which do not have a personal subject such as I, you, Johnny, he/she, we, they, the […]
French Grammar: Present Subjunctive – Basics
… Identify: French Grammar: Present Subjunctive – Basics la grammaire française: le subjonctif – une introduction Study: The subjunctive is not a verb tense, but a mood. It is an alternative verb form that has to be used in certain circumstances. “Mood” is actually a good way to think of the subjunctive, since it often […]
French Grammar: Nouns – Singular and Plural
… Identify: French Grammar: Nouns – Singular and Plural la grammaire française: les substantifs – singuliers et pluriels Nouns (les substantifs) are people, places, and things. They have names! You can talk about one noun (singular) or many nouns (plural). You’ll need to learn to use nouns if you want to talk about people, places and things! Study: All French nouns (les substantifs) […]

Folium: The 100 Most Beautiful Places via YourAmazingPlaces
The 100 Most Beautiful Places via YourAmazingPlaces Wow! As I look through the 100 pictures of the most beautiful places in the world, I am just amazed at what a beautiful world we live in. I love to travel and I am an adventurer. I believe that if you are learning a language that you […]

Folium: Dining Etiquette From Around the World via JoinDarkSide
Dining Etiquette From Around the World via JoinDarkSide (Click for Graphic!) “Do NOT talk with food in your mouth!” Every child has probably heard this phrase at one time or another as well as “Keep your elbows off the table.” Both of these phrases correspond to the dining etiquette that is part of the American […]