Folium: Do Multilingual People Have Multiple Personalities via NewRepublic
… Connect NewRepublic: Do Multilingual People Have Multiple Personalities … There is a known treatment plan for Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD); which is a mental disorder characterized by the maintenance of at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality states. But there is no treatment, other than not […]

Folium: The Glossary of Happiness via NewYorker
… Connect NewYorker: The Glossary of Happiness … Languages often get “lost in translation,” and this phenomenon can be due to a simple mistake or due to the fact that one language was not quite able to capture the essence of a word’s meaning in another language. Sometimes in other languages there are certain words […]

Folium: New Study May Revolutionize Language Learning via Phys.org
… Connect Phys.org: New Study May Revolutionize Language Learning … Learning a new language seems to always be a summer goal, only when you have “enough time” to sit down and memorize some new vocabulary. But if you think about it, many say that they will and seldom do it. Learning a new language can […]

Folium: Is Bilingualism Really an Advantage? via The NewYorker
Folium: Is Bilingualism Really an Advantage? via The NewYorker … Throughout modern history the question had been asked; is bilingualism really an advantage? During the early 20th researchers believed that bilingualism, in fact, impeded a child’s verbal and intellectual development. These researchers thought if young children learned two languages, these two would obstruct each other […]

Terra: A Whole New World – Paris, France
Traveling overseas for the first time is a very exciting experience for me. Of course, the second and third times are great too, but the first time has a certain je ne sais quoi, a newness, that the other times don’t. I embark on my journey to France as an American who grew up in […]

Folium: No Bones About It – Day of the Dead Is Finding New Life via WSJ
Folium: No Bones About It: Day of the Dead Is Finding New Life One of the Mexican holidays that I have heard a lot about is the Day of the Dead. I always thought that this holiday was nothing more than the Mexican version of Halloween. This article taught me what the Day of the […]

Terra: The Most Splendid Orchestra – Nice, France
I tighten my grip on my friend’s sleeve as we make our way through a busy city square in Nice. The square is not busy with honking cars and hissing buses, but people- laughing, toasting, and getting ready to celebrate the New Year. Although we’ve been advised to pay close attention so we don’t lose […]

Folium: The Science of Learning a New Language via Lifehacker
The Science of Learning a New Language via Lifehacker It is a natural instinct for children to learn new languages, but as we get older, it becomes more difficult to learn and retain new languages. A child’s brain has much more plasticity, or the ability to create new neurons and synapses. By adulthood, this ability […]
Spanish Vocabulary: The New Year
… Identify Spanish Vocabulary: The New Year el vocabulario español: la nochevieja y el año nuevo Words and phrases used to celebrate The New Year. Celebrate events with people all around the world. … Connect LEAF Spanish Grammar: Nouns – Basics … Study la nochevieja : New Year’s Eve el año nuevo : New Year’s Day el brindis […]
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